Toronto RepRap User Group #3 = Great Success

I was the organizer of the most recent meeting of the Toronto RepRap User Group. It went excellently, with a turn out of about twenty people and five printers. We had a number of talks that were filmed by Socrates from the Singularity Weblog. In all, an awesome outcome!

Atendees look at a printer at the third Toronto RepRap User Group

Attendees also saw the first public demonstration of a collaboration between myself and my friend Rob, a web interface for ImplicitCAD. It’s still very much in development and I won’t be talking about it any further till the release of ImplicitCAD 0.0.2 (in a week or two).

A web interface for ImplicitCAD is demonstrated

You can read more and find links to the videos of the talks at the hacklab blog.

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2 Responses to “Toronto RepRap User Group #3 = Great Success”

  1. stevetronics Says:

    I’m going to be doing a Mendel90 inspired design in implicitCAD’s extopenscad language over the next two weeks, ish. I’d love to *ahem* beta test for you 🙂

    • colah Says:

      Ack, sorry. WordPress doesn’t always email me about comments and I missed a bunch from you. 😦

      Send me emails! It works better! I may have some things for you to play around with…

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